
Identity Centric Data Security

One Platform for Data Access Security Across Your Environment

CyberDesk helps you to continuously identify, classify, and resolve identity centric data risks, where existing IAM/PAM/IGA solutions are blind.

Use Cases

CyberDesk Bridges the Silos of Identity and Data Security

Smart companies choose CyberDesk to reduce their data security and compliance risks while optimizing their spend.

Least Privilege Access

Adaptively Minimize Sensitive Data Exposure

CyberDesk streamlines the implementation of least privilege access principles by monitoring and trimming unused permissions across your environment. It enables easy identification of overprivileged accounts and helps enforce least privilege permissions, reducing the attack surface and mitigating data security risks. CyberDesk offers intuitive visualizations and comprehensive monitoring capabilities to identify and address access and permission risks for both human and machine identities.

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Why Leading Security Teams Choose CyberDesk

CyberDesk is trusted by leading institutions. Join them to maximize your security, compliance, and efficiency.

Stronger Security Discover hidden risks in your data access and achieve Least Privilege

Improved Compliance Become compliant with data-level access controls

Streamlined Access Efficiently manage the lifecycle of human and non-human identities

Simplified Auditing Automate and demonstrate adaptive control in your IT audits

Better Governance Ace the management of ownership, dependencies and retention

Cost-effective Operations Avoid penalties and reduce your spend on unused licenses & computing power

What Our Customers Say About CyberDesk

"We decided for CyberDesk for its unparalleled management of data and identities and comprehensive access control. Their user-friendly platform has empowered us with clarity and direction, making it easy to detect and address access issues and relieve the burden on our internal team. The experience with CyberDesk is really exceptional."

– Michael Siebers, CTO & Co-Founder Holidu

Ready to Get Started?

Do not leave your business vulnerable. Contact CyberDesk today for a free security assessment and to learn more about how we can protect your data.