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CyberDesk Launches to Bring Exploding Data Exposure Across Human and Non-human Identities Back Under Control

Today, most organizations grapple with widespread over-provisioning of data access, with fewer than 5% of permissions being actively used. CyberDesk, a Munich-based cybersecurity company, aims to solve this global threat and now announced the official launch of its identity centric data security platform. Supported by numerous cybersecurity thought-leaders, CyberDesk has developed a comprehensive security suite around its core Access Graph to combat data exposure and permission sprawl. Covering both human and non-human identities, the platform helps to adaptively control who can perform what actions with what data.

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Software Solution for Securing Data Access

Companies worldwide are faced with the challenge of securing their data access. However, less than 5 percent of access authorizations are actually required. CyberDesk aims to solve this problem.

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Attackers Don’t Hack, They Log in

Bringing the proliferation of data access by human and non-human identities under control: Organisations around the world today are struggling to secure their data access, with less than 5% of access permissions actually needed. CyberDesk, a Munich-based cybersecurity company, aims to solve this global threat and has now announced the official launch of its identity-centric data security platform. With the support of numerous cybersecurity experts, CyberDesk has developed a comprehensive software solution around its Access Graph to combat data breaches and escalating credentials. Across human and non-human identities, the platform helps to control who can access which data and how.

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Cyberdesk Will Announce the Launch of Its Security Solution

This week, the start-up CyberDesk will announce the launch of its security solution, which is supported by prominent cyber security experts. The founders Prabhakar Mishra and Tobias Lieberum come from the TU Munich environment and were supported in the founding process by two TUM Venture Labs. The start-up, founded in 2022, aims to make data access automatically controllable with software. The software is designed to give companies an overview of what data is stored where, who can access it and where the risks lie. The best defence is to minimize possible data access for every identity at all times without interrupting business operations, says founder Lieberum: “Nowadays, however, companies lack the necessary transparency as to who can access which sensitive data and how.” Supporters of the idea include ex-IBM Europe CEO Martin Jetter, ADAC CISO Ümit Kuşdoğan and Oetker CISO Matthias Muhlert, according to the company. According to CyberDesk, institutional investors included the incubator Venture Stars and Angel Invest.

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CyberDesk from Munich, founded by Prabhakar Mishra and Tobias Lieberum, has developed software that helps companies to "manage data securely and comprehensibly for users in cloud solutions".

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Cybersecurity Between VC Investments and AI Technologies

Innovative solutions based on AI and advanced automation technologies are required to guarantee the highest level of security. […] One example of an innovative solution in the field of cloud security is the start-up CyberDesk, which has developed software for the secure and traceable management of company data in the cloud. Co-founder Tobias Lieberum emphasizes the importance of innovative solutions in the field of cloud security: “Cloud computing and AI are fundamentally changing how we work with data. 90 percent of the world’s data has only been created in the last two years. In addition to huge opportunities for data-driven business models, this progress also poses considerable challenges for cyber security.”

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Success with Cloud

Prabhakar Mishra and Tobias Lieberum are working on software designed to help companies secure data and manage it in cloud solutions in a way that users can understand. The two have founded a start-up with which they want to advance their innovative ideas. Their declared goal: to become European champions in this field.

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Secure Data Management in the Cloud

In an increasingly digitalized world, where vast quantities of data are stored in the cloud, the security of sensitive information is a central challenge. It is easy to lose track of where confidential information is uploaded, who has access rights and what risks are entailed. The team at CyberDesk, a start-up established at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), wants to change this. They have developed a software to support companies in managing data securely in cloud solutions and make it easier for users to keep track of them.

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